Thursday, July 3, 2008

How to stop acne and medicines that can cause acne or pimples

If you need additional help with the pimples on your back, you can use any of the topical agents used for the face. These topical medications have a specific amount of medication concentrated in the solution. It is usually more than what is in the body wash. Be careful with using both the body wash and the topical lotion because it may overly dry out your skin.
Cause & incidence of Acne Rosacea
Step Number 2 is to simply wear a long sleeve shirt at night. The grease from you arms actually gets on your face when you wear a short sleeve shirt. This can actually clog pores and cause a breakout hours to days later. This step is simple enough right? Give it a few weeks to work though, and make sure you dont skip a night of wearing a long sleeve shirt.
tags: how to prevent acne, fast acne remedies, acne eat face food free keep

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