Thursday, July 3, 2008

How do i get rid acne scars on face and food that reduces acne risk

While many products will claim to clear your acne overnight, this is generally just hype. For products to work thoroughly and to see a marked improvement, six to nine weeks of consistent use needs to occur.
Bacteria in the pores, to which the body becomes 'allergic'.
5) Use sunscreen. Daily exposure to ultraviolet light causes microscopic damage to the skin that is sometimes irreversible. Not only can excessive sun exposure cause blotchy spots that some people call "liver spots", but it can also cause wrinkles to show prematurely. Even in the winter months, use at least an SPF 15 facial moisturizer daily.
tags: baking soda and water work for acne yahoo, best steroid acne treatment, fighting acne milk bad

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