Thursday, July 3, 2008

Accutane acne medication and how to treat acne and black heads

Well, there are several reasons. First, it is hard to pin point what causes acne. There are many possible factors that can lead to the condition. Second, different people respond to different treatments. You may have the exactly the same condition as your friend but that does not mean both of you will respond equally well to the same treatment.
Acne remedies range in types of strengths and types of herbs that are used. They tend to work quickly. They are also very good for those who have sensitive skin. One such remedy for an outbreak is to place a small amount of toothpaste on the pimples and leave it on overnight. The next morning, wash it off to find clear skin. It works by drying out the oils in the skin and getting rid of the excess oils and bacteria inside of the skin.
At this point, you get to choose a type of treatment for your skin problem. Some people wish to use the older passed down home remedy approach, while others are looking for the very latest in skin care with its promises of a rapid fix.
tags: how to cure acne on teenagers, acne and black heads facts, soap to remove acne scars

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