Saturday, September 27, 2008

What hormone makes acne bad in women

« ...Face it . acne makes you feel distressed and helpless . It completely changes your character. Many people live with a lowered self esteem and because of that deny themselves relationships and career opportunities. The most worrying aspect of acne is the emotional damage remains long after acne has stopped appearing ....
...Your diet plays an enormous role in helping you cure acne. When you consume junk food you are filling your body with the right ingredients to produce acne on your skin. What you want to try to do is cut out as much junk food as possible from your diet. This includes, but is not at all limited to: chocolate, candy, sweets, cake, etc. A great suggestion is to replace these things with much healthier snacks. A perfect solution would be to implement carrots as a snack in place of the other junk, because carrots are known for helping to heal acne. When you have a balanced and healthy diet in place your body will not have the oily junk food and will have better tools to help fight off the acne. This will drastically help you cut down the number, frequency, and severity of acne outbreaks. One more great way to help your acne treatment is by reducing stress....»
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«...Glycolic peels are often thought of as, "lunch time peels", because they are quick and easy to do. Glycolic acid is actually a form of alpha-hydroxy acid and is generally found in such things as, sugarcane, pineapple, grapes, and other fruits. Glycolic acid peels can be used at home or administered by a dermatologist....»
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tags: acne face fungus, natural cure for hormonal acne outbreaks, the best acne medication

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